Speakeasy Language Exchange/Brighton,UK

Hi Guys!

It's Spring and students are starting to think about their studies in the UK this year. I'm organising courses in Brighton for those wishing to travel to the UK to study English. As well as teaching and living in Brighton, I recommend it for its hospitality and seaside lifestyle. Something for everyone and only 45 minutes from London by train.

I met Sam last summer at a Brighton Chamber of Commerce event. He was planning to set up a language exchange. I thought this was a great idea as I had previously been involved with Blingual in Brighton. Pau, the organiser of that group has moved back to Tarragona, Spain. I used to take my Swedish students to the language exchange, so they would be forced to speak English with the multicultural students of Brighton.

The Speakeasy Language Exchange brings together people of all ages from different countries with the common aim of practising a new language within a relaxed and fun setting. All are welcome from baffled Brightoners to struggling Spaniards! A great way to supplement your course of English and meet new friends, local and international.

There is now one main event on Tuesdays at KOBA
Address: 135 Western Rd, Hove, Brighton, East Sussex BN1 2LA, United Kingdom
Phone:+44 1273 720059
Hours: Tuesday hours 8:30 am–11:00 pm

It's an amazingly stylish looking place. :) Oh and they offers free Pizza for language exchangers!

The background beats are laid down by resident DJ Tiago Nunes, check him out at http://www.facebook.com/Idea.l.is.stick

Study English in Brighton this summer! 

Enquiries to: desteng1@gmail.com

or checkout my mew Facebook Page 'English with Zack'
